Delivery Disclaimer

DouBridge ship to virtually all countries. There are some restrictions applicable to some products, and some products cannot be shipped to certain destinations. If we are unable to ship your product, we shall contact you.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the goods ordered can be delievered in your country.

DouBridge ship products by the shipping method of your choice. If any change, DouBridge will contact you in advance.

DouBridge will make every attempt to accommodate delivery requests, however we DO NOT GUARANTEE DELIVERY FOR SPECIFIC TIME. The large volume of deliveries and the unpredictability of the challenges faced on some deliveries prevent us from being able to absolutely guarantee the time it will arrive.

Please be aware that if the orders are not able to deliver successfully beacause of delay customs clearance, tax number, or the information supplied is not correct and delivery is ultimately not made, the parcel will be destroyed or returned to DouBridge. All fees will be burdened by you.Once parcel is delievered, sending back is not accepted unless product itself has problems.

On arrival of the order, You are responsible for checking the condition of the items delivered and must highlight any issues upon receipt with the carrier. If any further damages found after unwrapping, you will need to be reported within 24 hours to DouBridge or directly to the Sales Consultant who dealt with your order. Due to the necessary procedures in claiming the cost of sending replacements, we may need to be provided with pictures, video of damages, as proof before we can process replacement claims, these can be sent to us via email or mobile phone.